studysphere: Refine logging and runtime, install dependencies for nodeJS
- ( Create log_stream function to accept stdout/stderr from child processes
- ( Confirm RETCODE sent to cleanup via trap before shutting down application
- (package.json) Require mysql2 and express node modules
- (dummy.sql) Sample database for testing purposes only
- ( Append dummy.sql data into database
- (docker-compose.yml) Add web network to allow connection to the studysphere container
- (docker-compose.yml) Set charsets for mariadb container
- (docker-compose.yml) Enable persistent storage for mariadb database
- (Dockerfile) Set LOG_FILE in environment
- (Dockerfile) Enable npm install
- ( Pass init-db call to log_stream
- ( Add sleep in cleanup to allow log tail to catch up before shutting down
Edited by The Firehawk